I am seeing a lot of dangerous bathroom fixture installations that is addressed by the National Electrical Code. Please keep in mind that the Code is not there to increase the cost of a home, to make contractors rich, or keep homeowners from doing their own electrical work. The Code is designed for your protection and your home’s protection. Note: the definition of a luminary is “a body that gives light”, I’ll let you determine if it’s celestial or man made.
“No part of a chain, cable or cord-suspended luminaries, track luminaries, or ceiling paddle fans can be located within 3′ horizontally and 8′ vertically from the top of the bathtub rim or shower stall threshold. Luminaries located within the actual outside dimensions of a bathtub or shower to a height of 8 ft from the top of the bathtub rim or shower threshold must be marked for damp locations. Where subject to shower spray, the luminaires must be marked for wet locations [410.10(D)].”